Thursday, 5 November 2015

My Simile Poem

My Puppy

Warm as a towel, straight from the dryer.
Eyes as shiny as diamonds, which have a new buyer.
Playful as a child, he licks your face,
jumps up and down, pulls at your lace.
Surely a dog is better than the whole human race!

-By Andreia


  1. What a lovely poem, Andreia! I love the image I get when I read "as warm as a towel from a dryer" - just like my dog! Well done. Mrs S

  2. hello Adreia I really really like your poem, my dog is also like your dog and defnitly better than the human race.

  3. Wow! That is so sweet.
    I love or when you said "Eyes as shiny as diamonds".
    All I have to say that is amazing Andreia.

  4. I love how you made it sound so warm and snuggle. I like that you chose to compare your puppy. I like your drawing.
