Friday, 27 May 2016

Cookie Land!!

Hey Guys!
This awesome special blog post is a collaboration with my friend Hannah Bowles!!
You should go check out her blog!
So anyway, I bet you thought our title is pretty weird. Am I right?
This is the idea. Imagine a world made of cookie dough. With milk oceans, choc chip islands and icing polar bears! Clouds made of icing sugar and chocolate Easter bunnies roam the earth.
Chickens that lay speckled eggs! Nobody gets fat, except the chocolate Santas!
Inside the cookie dough crust of the earth, there is a huge, HOT chocolate chip that melts the crust. Which is due to global warming that Santa causes with his farts! .....Its his fault the polar bears are melting! 
Wouldn't this be an awesome world to live in. Well, except for the polar bears. RIP! We love you!

Love Hannah and Andreia

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Elkanah 100 Word Challenge: Challenge 2

Two Jewish men were touring England. They had asked the traveling agent:
" Where is the coldest country to be in this time of year?"
"England, of course." He replied.
Off to England they went. Once they had landed at the airport, they headed to the bus stop. On the way, they met a well- dressed man, sitting on a bench. 
"Could you direct us to the nearest Synagogue ?" Asked the Jewish man.
"Sorry sir, but the nearest Synagogue  is on the other side of England." He replied.
Oh dear, thought the men. They should have planned more carefully!

Things to think about before writing:
Look at how they are dressed?
What country might they be in?
What jobs do they do?
What could they be talking about?
Are they happy/worried/concerned?

Really think and plan before you start to write. You should use this prompt to practice using speech marks (direct speech). You may include the picture in your blog post (copy/paste) so that your writing will make sense to your readers.

Remember - follow the instructions (refer to them in the 100WC Classroom if you can’t remember) and keep to a maximum of 100 words!

Good luck!